Tuesday, 18 February 2020


Terapia de Campos Magnéticos Biomagnetismo Médico 
Realizamos a nuestros consultantes un minucioso y detallado exámen que valora el estado de la energía en todos y cada uno de sus órganos, mediante un test neuromuscular usando gran parte de la kinesiología para saber sobre qué puntos debemos actuar. En nuestro caso colocamos el paciente acostado boca arriba con los talones ligeramente fuera de la camilla y buscamos su emparejamiento para comenzar el testeo o rastreo.
Este test nos allana el camino que hemos de seguir para recuperar su salud y nos indica sobre cuál será el mejor tratamiento para nuestro paciente.
El test kinesiológico o Bioenergético es la lectura inteligente de nuestro cuerpo.
Nuestro trabajo consiste, entonces, en “leer” la información que él nos da con el cuerpo, a través de los protocolos con el cual trabajamos. Con la terapia de Campos Magnéticos biomagnetismo médico  equilibramos las energías del consultante para buscar su auto sanación mediante la aplicación de los imanes.
Al aplicar los Imanes en distintas partes de su cuerpo logramos en Ud. Un balance del Ph, un aumento del electromagnetismo celular, un reordenamiento de sus átomos y una estabilización emocional. Es por todo ello logramos, un equilibrio de la energía que estabiliza el cuerpo y su sanación.

Tratamiento y Prevención de Enfermedades
514 773 3737

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Dr. Isaac Goiz talks about the Wuhan Coronavirus🦠
“ Coronavirus turns deadly when associated with a bacteria or a fungus mainly. In the case of the Coronavirus from China, it’s associated with the Pertussis Bacillus this is why it’s causing Pulmonary symptoms. When associated with the Pertussis Bacillus it becomes deadly. By eliminating the bacillus or the virus it’s not fatal anymore”.
By Biomagnetism USA
Biomagnetism Biomagnétisme Montréal
Lissette Carranza
Magnetic Field Therapy 🔴⚫️

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Biomagnetism - Healing the Microbiome

Virus, bacteria, parasites and fungus are not our enemies, but our main friends and allies. 
They help us balance our Body and Energy systems. 
Through Biomagnetic Pair Therapy 🔴 ⚫️ we balance the terrain. 
Microbes don’t die, they get neutralized and because of this, symptoms and disease disappear as the Body  heals itself.
Only by balancing the terrain we can successfully treat all type of diseases, chronic, degenerative, bacterial and viral among many others.

Magnetic Field Therapy 🔴⚫️Biomagnetism 
Lissette Carranza 

From Action to Reaction

  “We are not here to cure disease but disease is here to cure us.” C.G. Jung

Our diseases are here to cure us, but to cure us from what? From something hidden, invisible, unconscious; from a very definite emotional shock we have forgotten. For instance, if my skin is red and burned although it is midnight, I know why: I have spent all day in the sun. It is easy to connect the cause to the effect. Talking of disease, the problem is that the cause is concealed. We are only aware of the reaction. In this example, the reaction is tanning. Even far from the sunlight, we remain sunburned. In the same way, we may cough, suffer a multiple sclerosis (MS), or any other pathology even if the emotional shock is remote.
Tanning is a code: when the skin is in the sun, it reacts. Sun-tan is the reaction. Any disease proceeds the same way. It is an extra opportunity to adapt to an external event that caught us off-guard and that we have to deal with. When I see someone vomiting, I only see a reaction. I cannot see the toxic mushroom or the spoiled oyster he has eaten an hour before. It is a reaction to survive, just like tanning. This is good in itself. When we are intoxicated, we vomit to survive; when we are exposed to the sun, our skin tans to avoid burning. Both reactions are ways of adapting.

What is the connection with disease? What is the connection with someone suffering from cancer or a stomach ulcer? The connection is a fundamental law which is that the brain cannot make the difference between reality and imagination. In other words, the stomach will process a spoiled oyster (real, material) the same way as an “Indigestible issue” (imaginary, virtual).
Anyone can test this: imagine you have a slice of lemon on your tongue. The juice runs between your teeth, excites your gums and slips down your throat. The simple idea of biting a slice of lemon activates salivation. The taste will please some while others will find it bitter. Yet there is absolutely nothing in your mouth but your emotional and physical bodies have reacted all the same.
When a child plays James Bond on his Playstation, he really is James Bond. Indeed he is in his imaginary world: his hands sweat, he gasps, he is enthusiastic. He is in the virtual, in the imaginary yet the body reacts.
Our biological system (body) works the same way. The thought of being smirched and being smirched are decoded the same way by the brain. It is the psycho-biological basis of things. Biology makes more skin where it is necessary; it makes one sick when it is helpful, or induces diarrhea if the feeling is an “indigestible filth”.
The body will react the same way whether the element is real – a toxic food – or virtual – something we refuse to digest because unacceptable, or when in a foreign country we cannot accept the culture, its ways and customs. The body expresses the biological solution that corresponds to the feeling of “something is being imposed on me; I want to get rid of it.

 I want to emphasize the fact that Biodecoding® relies on a new paradigm, a new way of thinking, a new belief, another way of approaching disease. As a matter of fact, each of us chooses our treatment according to our beliefs: some of us use vitamins, others massage, energy work, cannabis or anything else.
For centuries, most people believed that disease was sent by evil to possess the body or by God as a trial to sanctify the faithful. Some believe that disease comes from the stars (astrology), the earth (geobiology), food, pollution, stress, and more recently genetics. We rely on many beliefs and interpretations to get well.
Whether we use antibiotics, homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, bodywork, vitamins or minerals, we all agree on fighting disease because we believe that disease is bad. We do rest on this idea because that is what we have learned in the first place. How to get through all those thrilling and useful healing proposals which have proved to lead to consciousness and health? Which way to take?
The healing approach I have chosen for years does not rely on the psychological origin of disease but on its biological one. That is why we call this innovative modality the “biological decoding of disease” or Biodecoding®”. It is based on a new paradigm which C.G. Jung has intuitively revealed through this sentence: “We are not here to cure disease but disease is here to cure us.”

Décodage Biologique
Lissette Carranza
Magnifique Field Therapy

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Lissette Carranza is a Certified Therapist in Biomagnetism from Dr. Goiz Duran, the founder and director of the C.I.B.M., Centro de Investigacion de Biomagnetismo Medico (Biomagnetism Research Centre), in Mexico City. The essence of this therapy is that it finds and treats the root cause of the illness, through kinesiology and bioenergetic balancing with magnets. Most disease is caused from an imbalance in the Ph, caused from pathogens, which Dr. Goiz researched for 20 years. Biomagnetism treats a myriad of health problems from allergies to psoriasis. It is non-invasive, safe and effective.
Magnetic Field Therapy Biomagnetism
514 773 3737
Since 2010

Descripción  Terapia de Campos Magnéticos Biomagnetismo Médico  Realizamos a nuestros consultantes un minucioso y detallado exámen qu...